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Citizen Expectations
- Attend class Daily; be responsible for make-up work if absent.
- Keep organized backpacks
- Be seated, with all required materials, working on opening activity when bell rings.
- Turn in homework at the beginning of the class period unless the teacher states otherwise.
- Participate in class discussions, ask questions and read aloud.
- Do not talk or communicate in any way with others during tests.
- Ask for help when needed; give help when asked.
- Follow directions the first time they are given.
- Obey school rules, including the dress code.
- Respect others and their property.
- No eating, drinking, or chewing gum in classrooms without teacher permission.
Learning Expectations
- Label all assignments with first and last name, date, and period in the upper right-hand corner.
- Keep organized notes.
- Record assignments daily.
- Show Work.
- Reach and follow directions carefully
- Participate in class discussions, ask questions, and read aloud.
- Speak and write using academic language and complete sentences.
- Write a topic sentence/thesis statement and support it with evidence.
- Read passages actively and with annotations (close reading).